Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Response on The Daily Love: http://thedailylove.com/contraction-or-expansion-what-kind-of-year-will-it-be-for-you/

Thank you so much! I have been trying to understand these seasons all my life. In my case, they are very extreme and are not just felt in situations, but also hit me hard physically. Thanks to what you pointed out, I am now looking back and seeing that I do maintain strength throughout each time, but, the strengths change according to the expansion and contraction - whereas before, I felt weak during the contraction, I now see I did have an ability to store, stow and learn during those times - and I also see that that has saved me and made the best use of the contracted time. It's unfortunate that general outlook, appetite, and the seize of the ego have to also be a part of the contracted time for me but I also know those are things I can bust through. If you do have more tips on how to make the best use of the contracted time and maybe even routine maintenance examples from your own life, I'm sure we would all like to hear them! :)

In response to: Contraction Or Expansion? What kind of year will it be for you?

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